Diana was spotted when she was still in college by director Satyan Anthikkad, who casted her opposite Jayaram in Manassinakkare. Later, she co-starred alongside Mohanlal in Natturajavu and in Fazil's Vismayathumbathu. She was also cast with Mammootty in Thaskaraveeran (Dubbed into Tamil as Yuvaraj) and Raapakal. After this she went into Tamil and Kannada. She has also starred in several Tamil, Telugu movies. She was cast opposite Sarath Kumar in Ayya and with Rajnikanth in Chandramukhi. Her later films Vallavan (Tamil) and Yogi (Telugu) flopped except for Tamil film Ghajini, where she played a secondary female character. She regained her star billing in Kollywood acting opposite Ajith Kumar in the remake of Billa. Yaaradi Nee Mohini released in 2008 was a huge hit and received seven nominations at the 56th Filmfare Awards (South). It was one of the highest grossing Tamil films of the year. Her next release Kuselan opposite Rajnikanth, Sathyam opposite Vishal, Aegan opposite Ajith Kumar and Villu opposite Vijay were all unsuccessful. Her latest successful appearance was in Aadhavan with Surya Sivakumar which released on 16 October 2009 and was successful.